Katie Price Celebrates as the Saint Peter Andre Halo Slips with Maddy Ford

Peter Andre Admits to Affair with His Stylist

Peter Andre, who has been telling the world that he was celibate, has now admitted to having a three month affair with Maddy Ford the Page 3 Girl.  The hypocritical press have long used his protestations of purity as a club to beat Katie Price – also an ex Page 3 Girl and former wife to Peter Andre and the mother of his two children.  The revelations have disarmed the press who will now have to look around for something else to attack Katie Price with.

Maddy Ford Offers New Insight into Peter Andre

Maddy Ford who kept quiet about the affair, allegedly under instructions from Saint Peter Andre is now briefing press alleging that Saint Peter was a holy man who enjoyed being dominated in bed (allegedly).  As they say in parts near to where this is being written the sh*t has hit the fan for Andre who will be forced to make simpering apologies on the sofas of the many morning TV shows he frequents.

What A Laugh!

Men who heap criticism on women for their own ends deserve to be brought down in this manner.  Peter Andre will no doubt be subjected to rude and intrusive banter from the among the crowds who have supported him and rubbished Katie Price aka Jordan.  This won’t be purposely for the amusement of Peter Andre watchers but will nevertheless bring them mirth and a good old laugh at Andre’s plight.  “It serves the sanctimonious prat right” said one such person.

Katie Price No Comment

Katie Price has as yet made no comment but we are standing by to report it when she does.  We hope she takes her time and delivers her message with aplomb.  We are very much looking forward to her doing so.

The Source for this Article

This article is based on informed supposition and not even one jot upon reports from Katie Price’s friends

Saint Peter | Peter Andre and Maddy Ford

Peter Andre and Maddy Ford Affair Allegations in the Daily Star

According to the Daily Star, Peter Andre has not been celibate since splitting up with Katie Price.  The Daily Star allege that according to a friend of Peter Andre, Saint Peter has been involved with Page 3 girl Maddy Ford.  According to this supposed friend who most likely sold the information to the Daily Star (what a great friend), Peter had no intention of marrying Maddy Ford but was just in it for the non-platonic elements* - we won't spell it out what this means.

Maddy Ford Kept Peter Andre's Secret

It is alleged that when approached by the press, Maddy Ford askes "How do you know?" and "Peter made me promise to keep it a secret".  Could this be proof that Saint Peter Andre is a user?  Could this be evidence that Peter Andre is underhand in his press relations and private life?

What this Means to Peter Andre's Saintly Reputation

If Peter Andre confirms the story his reputation as a saint, living a life of celibacy for the sake of his children will be in tatters.  All his PR which has ruined the public reputation of Katie Price will be called into doubt.  If he can lie about this can he lie about anything else?  For example, was he having this affair before his public split from Katie Price?

What this Means to Katie Price's Unsaintly Reputation

Katie Price, herself an ex Page 3 girl was panned in the press for declaring that Peter was having an affair.  If it turns out that Peter Andre has been living a false life her reputation will be restored.  For this reason alone we hope the rumour is true.

What Katie Price Should Do Next

Katie Price will most likely comment on the affair in the press if her past reaction to news stories about Peter Andre are anything to go on.  We think she would be better served if she ignored this entire affair.  It still might turn out to be a money making scheme by a so-called friend.  Even if the Peter Andre, Maddy Ford affair turns out to be true, we hope she rises above it and makes no comments.

*this is our version of what the friend said

What Katie Did Next and What Katie Price Did Before

What Katie Did Next 

Screened on ITV2 23rd February 2010: This is the episode of What Katie Did Next which included Christmas Eve with Harvey, a trip to a Santa Claus Grotto with the kids, a friend and her kids, a book signing in Milton Keynes, Christmas shopping at Hamley’s and telling them their wrapping paper was a rip off… Meeting Junior’s pony Mooney and later The Horse of the Year Show at which we get a glimpse of Alex Reid.  It features Katie showing the world the underwear she bought her mom for Christmas with the line (while expanding the knickers to their maximum girth) “she should be able to fit her arse in there”.  Even funnier, Katie testing the Perspex protective cover on Harvey’s eighth TV – a now practical solution against TV smashers.   We also get another look at chief ligger Gary and the portrait of Katie, commissioned by her Mom which, as I recall it, is making me laugh… again.

Celebrity Reality

You can’t be caught up in fantasies of celebrity when you watch any “celebrity reality” TV show.  You would have to believe that they were really like that and that would be plain stupid.  Let’s face it, they’re putting on another show, unrehearsed but another show nevertheless.  Be honest, we all watch them hoping some celebrity or other will lose it – do a Vanessa Phelps big time.  Be honest also we watch them to escape from our own lives.  Religion is no longer the opium of the people it is TV and when there’s no top grade opium available (new thrilling films or explosive documentaries) we watch soaps and when they are watched nowadays we turn to reality TV for our fixes.  Celebrity reality TV is less than soap but more than real people reality, celebrity reality offers longer lasting hits.

Looking Back to Katie and Peter in the Jungle

Here’s my latest theory.  Peter fell for Katie but Katie didn’t fall for him.  She did what millions of women do everywhere, she felt sorry for him and went along with it because she didn’t want to hurt him.  You can care for someone without loving them.  The worst thing she did (and millions of women do this too) is pretend to love him.  She probably thought “he’s not that bad, he’s honourable in his intentions, I’ll probably come to love him given time”.  That didn’t happen and Peter – plainly and simply – got on her nerves.  Katie also suspected him of using her to build his own failing career.

Looking back to Katie and Peter the Next Chapter

I agree with the RESPECT MP (ex contestant of Celebrity Big Brother who made a complete prat of himself and, unfortunately, his politics) whose name I cannot recall, who said he witnessed “spousal abuse” by Katie of Peter in that show.  It was bad but not unforgiveable and let’s face it, it wasn’t real, it was “reality TV”.  Who knows, if the cameras were with the couple, secretly filming 24/7 we could have seen the full picture. 

Thoughts While Watching What Katie Did Next Tonight

Spousal abuse when you see it is bad, upsetting and anger making.  It is a public display too far… but what causes that public display?  Could it be a reaction to what goes on behind closed doors?  Yes it can – I’ve seen it happen with real people who weren’t on the tele.  Who the hell are we to judge?  Who the hell am I?  Me?  I’m just a self-bigged-up anonymous blogger, another ligger off Katie Price, writing this to make some money.  The views I express on this website are at least original but no better than any of the rubbish written about Katie Price.  This isn’t going to stop me being as mean and bitchy as others but mine is pantomime.  There are far worse people in the world than Katie Price and actually, Katie Price is nice.  I’d much prefer to write about the real villains but too few would want to read that and it would make me diddly squat, nada, zero, nothing. 

Thank You Katie Price

So, thank you Katie Price and long may you live to change your hair, nails, tans, eyelashes, teeth, cosmetic surgery, ride your horses and  men, appear on TV, publish books and look after your children but but not necessarily in that order.  In fact, keep up the good work.

Katie Price Shopping at Hamleys Toy Shop in London

Product Placement Deals | Shopping for FREE

You would be forgiven for thinking that Katie Price makes money for product placement and deals struck for appearances on What Katy Did Next. Even me, the most non-cynical* Katie Price observer was thinking “I bet she gets all those toys for free” when Katie went Christmas toy shopping at Hamleys (London’s Premier Toy Shop) in one episode of What Katie Did Next.

This is How We All Should Shop

You’ve got to admire her style. She arrives in a taxi and with the meanest looking security. This solitary bodyguard, built like a brick **** house, who should be an extra thug (at least) in any future James Bond films, becomes Katie’s larger than life shadow. Straight away she enlists the help of a group of Hamleys’ staff who, from then until they deliver all her bags to another taxi, traipse around after her and collect the mass of toys she buys. She refers to this group as her “elves”. With the elves in tow she’s like a toy locust. Toys are bought in multiples.

She buys a Scalletrix car set. The assistant attempts to give her some sales patter:

“Don’t bother with that” says Katie “you’ve sold it, just put it in there”

Over Critical - Who Do You Think You Are?  You are NOT Katie Price

The bodyguard looks on amused. I start thinking – that’s the only way to go shopping but then I notice the bodyguard is chewing. There’s no way I’d let my bodyguard eat on duty, but then I notice Katie is eating some of the same (presumably) sweets and realise I’m being over-critical again. So I get back to thinking that this segment of What Katie Did Next is a product placement deal and she’ll not be paying for her Supermarket Dash of a shopping spree at Hamleys Toy Shop. But then:

Buying Toys from Hamleys

One of Katie’s elves comes up to Katie laden with various samples of Christmas wrapping paper. It is all themed. There are two sheets per bag and it costs one pound (£1 = c$1.50) per sheet. She looks at it with polite interest as the shopping elf describes the themes – some Disney, one Transformers. A peeved Katie says, words to the effect:

“No, I won’t be buying wrapping paper here” and then, as the elf assistant takes the wrapping paper away “£2 a bag, what a rip off…”

The Difference Between Real Life and product Placement

It is then that it becomes very obvious that this is not a put up job. If it were Katie would have said:

Wow, what wonderful wrapping paper. Ideal for wrapping my Christmas Toy Gifts bought at the world’s leading toyshop which is Hamleys. Yes please I’ll have 20 packs of your exquisite wrapping paper after all, for £200 that is a bargain...

* joke!

Katie Price Astrology | Part Two

Part Two of an Astrological Analysis of Katie Price

To Read Katie Price Astrology | Part One CLICK HERE

This analysis is based on the positions of Venus and Mars in Katie Price’s Natal Horoscope Chart.  Venus and Mars (in the opinion of the Astrologer who cast Katie’s chart for us) are the most interesting of planets in anyone’s Birth Chart.  Venus tells us about how the native (Katie Price in this case) loves and likes other people.  Mars tells more about the native’s sex life.  Here are the positions of the Sun, Moon and Planets that this Astrology was based on:

Katie Price Born 22 May 1978

Sun 0 degrees Gemini

Moon 12 degrees Scorpio

Mercury 7 degrees Taurus

Venus 29 degrees Gemini

Mars 17 degrees Leo

The Natal Horoscope Katie Did Not Like

Alex Reid, according to a conversation he had in Celebrity Big Brother, bought Katie an Astrological reading for Christmas.  She didn’t like it.  The reason for her dislike wasn’t actually confirmed but there will have been some presumption that she didn’t like what it concluded.  This Astrological Analysis was not carried out by the same Astrologer but we do not know if Katie would like this analysis anymore than that one.

Love and Hate – Two Sides of the Same Coin

Katie’s Venus is in Gemini.  I know a few individuals with Gemini Venus.  Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin with this position.  Apart from their children, who they will love unconditionally but will criticise and disagree with honestly, other people should beware this position – give Gemini Venus enough cause and the coin will flip.  There is no middle way, just either or, love or hate.  Gemini Venus might attempt to be ambivalent – that’s when the coin is in the air or spinning – but in the end they’ll love or hate you.

Right, That’s Enough

O-oh, Mars in Leo!  This should mean that Katie likes to be centre of attention in sexual matters, put on a show, be demanding, say where and when and how long.  It could be mutually satisfying but if someone with Mars in Leo has achieved satisfaction that will be the end of the session.  Men who, how can I put this demurely – I can’t – men who go like trains cross country are not what Mars in Leo want in bed.  Mars in Leo wants quality not quantity.

No Disclaimer

This could be totally inaccurate.  For example, some Astrologers would theorise that if Katie was born prematurely her Mercury would be in Gemini along with her Sun.  This would make her a quick thinker, not the methodical thinker described above.  Our Astrologer does not hold with this theory.   According to her: Natives conform to the planets they meet and in the positions at the time of their birth and not the other way around.

Katie Price Astrology | Part One

Part One of an Astrological Analysis of Katie Price

Based on the positions of Katie Price’s Moon and Sun and the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars at the time of her birth, this article gives an overview of Katie’s personality.  More information is derived by a consideration of Katie’s Moon and Mercury.  Below the picture of the planets Mercury, Earth, Venus and Mars are the positions of the Sun, Moon and Planets when Katie Price was born and upon which this Astrology was based on:

Katie Price Born 22 May 1978

Sun 0 degrees Gemini

Moon 12 degrees Scorpio

Mercury 7 degrees Taurus

Venus 29 degrees Gemini

Mars 17 degrees Leo

The Natal Horoscope Katie Did Not Like

Alex Reid, according to a conversation he had in Celebrity Big Brother, bought Katie an Astrological reading for Christmas.  She didn’t like it.  The reason for her dislike wasn’t actually confirmed but there will have been some presumption that she didn’t like what it concluded.  This Astrological Analysis was not carried out by the same Astrologer but we do not know if Katie would like this analysis anymore than that one.

First Thoughts | Immediate Suggestions upon Casting Katie Price’s Natal Chart

The important planets, those Astrologers look at when deciphering the individual rather than generational traits, produce a climate which might be encountered in a bronze age sauna.  Katie Price is grounded hot air.  She has her Sun and Venus in Gemini (Air), her Mercury in Taurus (Earth) and her Mars in Leo (Fire) and her Moon in Scorpio (Water).  Add water and fire to air and it becomes steamy while the earth remains warm but undisturbed as the hot air rises. 

That Explains That Then...

Like most Geminis, Katie is particular about her appearance and really shouldn’t be able to live without mirrors.  Geminis are the best looking signs generally speaking and the ones who are most likely to become obsessed with their own image.  Air signs are supposedly the most intelligent but Libra and Aquarius are more intelligent than Geminis.  Geminis should be quick thinking but, because Katie’s Mercury is in Taurus, this is not the case.  Mercury in Taurus gives a slow, methodical thinker.

Reality Inside Her Head

Katie’s Moon is in Scorpio.  She probably has weird dreams with strange endings and should have many about sex.  She has the ability to tap into the prevailing mood, not as much as someone with their moon in Pisces but sufficient enough to make some good decisions and calls.  Before I looked at her chart I wondered why she surrounded herself with Yes Men and concluded that she must be deluded by their constant agreement and acceptance of what she says goes.  However, if she is typical of a native with this moon position she should actually realise what they are up to and could even secretly hold them in contempt.

To Read Katie Price Astrology | Part Two CLICK HERE

No Disclaimer

This could be totally inaccurate.  For example, some Astrologers would theorise that if Katie was born prematurely her Mercury would be in Gemini along with her Sun.  This would make her a quick thinker, not the methodical thinker described above.  Our Astrologer does not hold with this.  Natives conform to the planets they meet and in the positions at the time of their birth and not the other way around.

Makeup for Children | The Case of the False Eyelashes

I thought I'd put my penny's worth in about this latest issue, so here goes:

Makeup for Children | The Case of the False Eyelashes

Peter Andre described the picture of his two year daughter wearing “full makeup”* as “disgusting” on GMTV (the channel for celebrity **** stirring).  He over-reacted.   It was left to Alex Reid to mention that little girls like to dress up like their mothers.  Alex is right and Peter has shot himself in the foot.

Families Need Fathers aka Fathers Need families When it Suits Them aka Fathers Need Families

Now that Peter is divorced from Katie he really needs to get off her bandwagon, otherwise people are going to start suspecting his motives.  Andre is not playing a clever game nowadays – this could be out of desperation following Alex Reid’s reincarnation on Celebrity Big Brother.  That said, for Andre to use his kids is beneath contempt.  That’s what this outburst did, it used his kids.

If Peter Andre wants to redeem himself he wants to admit that he over reacted.  He could blame it on the pressure of being without his kids and living with the fact that another man is now in their lives.  That would be understandable.

Criticising Normal Behaviour

Now, back to what little girls like doing.  Most little girls and some boys like to dress up like their mothers.  The most commonly seen dressing up is kids wearing their mothers' shoes.  There is something very comical about seeing toddlers attempt to walk in too large, high heeled shoes and most of us think “how sweet” and not "how disgusting".   It is a stage children go through.  Many little girls have dressing up boxes.  At a young age they want to look like their mothers – this won’t last forever as, by the time they are teenagers and if they revolt (as is normal too) they want to look nothing like their parents.  This phenomenon is partly responsible for new and outlandish teenage trends from punk to the latest jeans worn pulled down to reveal knickers. 

What Little Girls Do

For a little girl to look like their Katie Price like mother one of the most necessary elements to get right would be her eyelashes.  Katie has eyelash extensions AND wears two pairs of false eyelashes.  There was nothing sinister about this so if you’re on your high horse about this episode – get off it.

Stay Here!

*quote from a headline on the inferior Handbag gossip website.  Don’t bother with that site - stay here.  Take my word for it that Katie’s daughter was not wearing “full makeup” saying that she was is just a way of upping the anti.

Thoughts on Watching What Katie Did Next ITV2 23rd February 2010

This is the episode of What Katie Did Next which included Christmas Eve with Harvey, a trip to a Santa Claus Grotto with the kids, a friend and her kids; a book signing in Milton Keynes, Christmas shopping at Hamley’s and telling them their wrapping paper was a rip off… Meeting Junior’s pony Mooney and later The Horse of the Year Show at which we get a glimpse of Alex Reid.  It features Katie showing the world the underwear she bought her mom for Christmas with the line (while expanding the knickers to their maximum girth) “she should be able to fit her arse in there”.  Even funnier, Katie testing the Perspex protective cover on Harvey’s eighth TV – a new practical solution against TV smashers.   We also get another look at chief ligger Gary and the portrait of Katie, commissioned by her Mom which, as I recall it, is making me laugh… again.

The Reality of TV Reality

You can’t be caught up in fantasies of celebrity when you watch any “celebrity reality” TV show.  You would have to believe that they were really like that and that would be plain stupid.  Face it, they’re putting on another show, unrehearsed but another show nevertheless.  Be honest, we all watch them hoping some celebrity or other will lose it – do a Vanessa Phelps big time.  Be honest also we watch them to escape from our own lives.  Religion is no longer the opium of the people it is TV and when there’s no top grade opium available (new thrilling films or explosive documentaries) we watch soaps and when they are watched nowadays we turn to reality TV for our fixes.  Celebrity reality TV is less than soap but more than real people reality, celebrity reality offers longer lasting hits.

Looking Back to Katie and Peter in the Jungle

Here’s my latest theory.  Peter fell for Katie but Katie didn’t fall for him.  She did what millions of women do everywhere, she felt sorry for him and went along with it because she didn’t want to hurt him.  You can care for someone without loving them.  The worst thing she did (and millions of women do this too) is pretend to love him.  She probably thought “he’s not that bad, he’s honourable in his intentions, I’ll probably come to love him given time”.  That didn’t happen and Peter – plainly and simply – got on her nerves.  Katie also suspected him of using her to build his own failing career.

Looking Back to Katie and Peter the Next Chapter

I agree with the RESPECT MP (ex contestant of Celebrity Big Brother who made a complete prat of himself and, unfortunately, his politics) whose name I cannot recall, who said he witnessed “spousal abuse” by Katie of Peter in that show.  It was bad but not unforgiveable and let’s face it, it wasn’t real, it was “reality TV”.  Who knows, if the cameras were with the couple, secretly filming 24/7 we could have seen the full picture. 

Thoughts While Watching What Katie Did Next Tonight

Spousal abuse when you see it is bad, upsetting and anger making.  It is a public display too far… but what causes that public display?  Could it be a reaction to what goes on behind closed doors?  Yes it can – I’ve seen it happen with real people who weren’t on the tele.  Who the hell are we to judge?  Who the hell am I?  Me?  I’m just a self-bigged-up anonymous blogger, another ligger off Katie Price, writing this to make some money.  The views I express on this website are at least original but no better than any of the rubbish written about Katie Price.  This isn’t going to stop me being as mean and bitchy as others but mine is pantomime.  There are far worse people in the world than Katie Price and actually, Katie Price is nice.  I’d much prefer to write about the real villains but too few would want to read that and it would make me diddly squat, nada, zero, nothing. 

Thank You Katie Price

So, thank you Katie Price and long may you live to change your hair, nails, tans, eyelashes, teeth, cosmetic surgery, ride your horses and  men, appear on TV, publish books and look after your children but definitely, not in that order.  In fact, keep up the good work.

The Katie Price and Victoria Beckham Feud Continues

Katie Price might detest Victoria Beckham but that doesn’t stop her copying Posh’s style…

Katie Price, Alex Reid, Peter Andre, Posh and Becks

First let’s have a recap of the feud between Katie Price and Posh (Victoria Beckham).  The two celebrities have reportedly hated each other for years.  Some say that this is due to advances Katie Price made to Becks (David Beckham, the footballer, athlete come superb model) but there is no actual proof about this.  There is oodles of proof that the rift between Katie and Posh exists however and Posh does (rightfully so) guard her handsome husband like a hawk – really, who wouldn’t?!

Katie and Posh at the Sir Elton John Oscars Party

The most recent public demonstration of the bad blood between Posh and Katie was seen at Sir Elton John’s Oscar Party in 2009.  Katie gave an interview about this to the Daily Mirror.  According to Katie, she had tried to greet Posh but was blatantly snubbed by Posh who refused even to make eye contact with Katie.  After the snubbing, Katie’s then husband (Peter Andre) had embraced Posh in a hug and he told the Mirror that she was a “total sweetheart”…

A Quick Digression

(You cannot help thinking this was another nail in the coffin of the Katie Price, Peter Andre marriage but I digress).

The Style of Mr and Mrs Alex Reid

In pictures published of Katie Price and Alex Reid before and after their sudden wedding in Las Vegas – all over the internet – you will see that the pair’s outfits are matching.  They wear the same colours.  This style has long been adopted by Posh and Becks.  It gives the couple more impact.  Has Katie copied this from the stylish Posh?

Remembering The Wedding of Katie Price and Peter Andre

Looking back to the wedding of Katie Price and Peter Andre, you might spot some similarities between that event and the wedding of Posh and Becks many years before.  Do you think Katie had that in mind when she planned it?  Would Katie have attempted to outdo her old foe?  You’ll have to decide for yourself…

To Read More Articles about all things Katie Price see a list of links below THIS ARTICLE - CLICK HERE

More Cosmetic Surgery for Katie Price

Katie Price and the Possibilities for Future Cosmetic Surgeries

Katie Price has been described as "addicted to Cosmetic Surgery".  Anyone who saw the episode of Katie and Peter The Next Chapter when Katie had several Cosmetic Procedures in a matter of days will see there could be some truth in the description.  Katie suffered severely.  Peter Andre (who said to camera, words to the effect, that she didn’t need the cosmetic procedures – she was beautiful as she was) suffered severe anxiety.  There was one point when viewers would have wondered if she was going to die from her unnecessary surgeries.  This hasn't seemed to put Katie off more Cosmetic Surgery in the future.

What Katie Did Next Cosmetic Surgery

Katie is now 31 and currently, according to an interview she gave on Alan Carr’s sofa (Alan Carr – Chatty Man), she’s obsessed with face fillers.  She regularly pops over to LA for an injection or two.  With all the other cosmetic enhancements Katie employs – hair extensions and hair pieces, false nails, false tans, eyelash extensions and false eyelashes – Katie, not surprisingly, looks every inch the glamour model.  In the past, in addition to her first boob job, she has had many cosmetic surgeries, including several more breast enhancements and a nose job.  But what of the future?

Future Cosmetic Surgeries for Katie Price

  • Liposuction?
  • Platysmaplasty?
  • Labioplasty?

Age will have effects on her body of which Katie will not approve of.  She will undoubtedly keep up with the face filler injections.  We are not too sure how many breast enhancements one person can have: is there a limit?  Gravity and the tendency of skin to stretch over time will lead to further breast enhancement surgery.  Eventually Katie might succumb to a face lift (she denies having one in the past).  Liposuction might be another necessity for the celebrity as she ages and – taking after her mother – begins to add body fat to her frame around her hips, stomach and thighs.  Perhaps she’ll be a candidate for a neck lift (platysmaplasty).  She might (if she hasn’t already) decide to have a labioplasty, the cosmetic procedure to tidy up and tighten the vagina favoured by more and more women who have given multiple births.   

Keeping Up to Date with Katie Price's Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

This website will endeavour to keep up to date with Katie Price's future cosmetic surgery procedures.  Check back soon.  For a list of other articles see below THIS ARTICLE - CLICK HERE

Katie Price and Her Gown and Blackberry at the Vienna Ball

Katie plumped for blue - Mediterranean Summer sky blue - gown to attend the prestigious, invitation only, Vienna Ball.

No Sign of Katie's Knickers

There was no chance that the paparazzi would glimpse her knickers as she disembarked from the Limousine which ferried her to the high status do as the gown was full length and flowing.  However, the dress was strapless and low cut, in the bodice style which Katie often goes for, and there did seem to be the danger that her full sized cosmetically enhanced, bolstered and heaved up false bosoms might spill (or bounce) out of their half cover.  I'm sure there was no such accidental or staged wardrobe failure as no pictures of the incident are on sale today.

Who Invited Katie to the Vienna Ball?

Katie was the guest of Prinz Marcus Von Anhalt (Viennese Royalty) but we don't know how they know one another - perhaps from a London nightclub.   For him, apart from the full heavy makeup and new signature heavy enhanced eyelashes comprising, eye lash extensions and false eyelashes, Katie looked the part... apart also from the Blackberry:

Katie with Her Blackberry 

Possibly, unlike all the other guests there, Katie had with her a Blackberry and (reportedly) waited for a call from her new husband Alex Reid who was, at the same time as the Ball, filming something in India - yet another real life documentary thang, so typical of anyone who has had close contact with the Price celebrity - perhaps this is learned behaviour or something which rubs off.  

Anyone Else with a Blackberry?

I say that Katie was "possibly" the only guest with a Blackberry as nobody took any notice of the other guests - they could have been having ales assignations under tables or even centre stage; they could have been smoking crack pipes but, as it is when Katie goes anywhere, nobody bothers to watch anyone else... perhaps that was why Katie Price was invited!

How to Get Married the Katie Way

If you want to marry your boyfriend should you go the Katie Price route?

Getting Married the Katie Price Way

To get married the Katie Price way the first thing you need to ensure is that your boyfriend knows nothing about it.  As far as he is concerned you are going away with a few friends for a few days in Las Vegas.  Now, Las Vegas is often referred to as the Marriage Capitol of the World but you must NEVER mention this before your "holiday".

First Things First

The first glimmer of what is happening can only be revealed to your boyfreind, after he's had a few drinks and you are on the plane.  This ensures that your husband to be cannot escape and you will be able to talk him round if there is any opposition.  Have your friends stand by in case they have to intervene and support your decision to marry in this manner.  They can say things like "it is so romantic" and "you did say you wanted to marry her"

How to Deal with His Interfering Family

:Like most men (and women) there is bound to be one level headed member of his family who would ruin your impromptu wedding plans if they could get to him.  This is why Las Vegas is a great option for a marriage by stealth.  Obviously, don't tell any member of his family, even in confidence and even if you know them.

Set Time Limits of His Telephone Communications

Of course, he'll want to call his mom and, with a handy mobile phone this is easy.  Make sure you have planned a rich itinerary of pre-nuptial activity.  This is so you can give him permission to call his mother but set a strict time limit.  You can also threaten him that if he doesn't do what you tell him he will regret it but do this with the fist in the velvet glove.

Promises, Promises

Among the list of promises you must make to your "fiancée" is a magnificent party to celebrate your wedding after the event.  This will be for his family more than your own.  Of course, after he has tied the knot you can backtrack on this.

Hey Presto!  You're Married!

Follow the outline above and, as long as your prospective husband is a little thick or easily intimidated by circumstances - you should be fine...

Reports about Alex Reid

In an interview Alex Reid revealed that he knew nothing of his planned wedding.  Katie Price made all the arrangements and only told him on the plane to the wedding venue in Las Vegas.  He also complained that he was only able to call his mother for w few minutes to tell her he was getting hitched.

Katie Price on Being Mrs Reid | The Wedding of Katie Price and Alex Reid

See Katie Price Videos Below this Article

Katie and Mr Price (Peter Andre) and Mrs Reid and Alex

When Katie Price married Peter Andre there was no talk of her becoming Mrs Andre.  In actual fact Peter became Mr Price.  That wasn't the only difference detected by watching What Katie Did Next and some of the millions of news items doled out like a professional tennis player hitting balls from a machine on an above average setting.

The First Marriage

The first marriage (Katie Price and Peter Andre) was styled on Cinderella by Walt Disney.  The ridiculous pumpkin horse drawn carriage and an almosty exact copy of Cinders dress but pinked up in Pricey stylie.  The millions of pounds for the exclusive Hello deal.  The nightmare from Hell honeymoon surrounded by press and a multitude of "yes men" hangers on playing Leach - the game whereby they extract the most from the celebrity - and all featured on Katie and Peter The Next Chapter.

The Second Marriage | Courtship, Dumping and Reconciliation

The Price Reid courtship was less than traditional and peaked when Katie dumped the cage fighter with the nasal strips during her exit interview from I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.  But all was saved and during an excruciating episode of What Katie Did Next we saw two leading "yes men" Michelle Heaton and Katie's Gay "best yes friend" hurrying up the star (who was talking to Alex Reid and deciding if she would take him back) because they wanted to eat and, of course, wouldn't dare do so without Katie present*.

The Second Marriage in Las Vegas

Katie did the unimaginable (apparently) and got married in Las Vegas WITHOUT a deal with Hello!  The scene looked empty somehow... devoid of the number of "yes men" we are used to seeing at such special times.  According to a interview given before or just after the event Katie married Alex in Las Vegas because there was no restriction in the time lapse from divorce (the ink was still wet on the divorce papers) and marriage.

Katie Price Becomes "Mrs Reid"

In the same interview (mentioned above) Katie reckoned she would become Mrs Reid.  This we have got to see.  It could mean that Katie won't indulge in spousal abuse as she did, for all the world to see, with Peter Andre.  The fact is, the circumstances are very similar.  Alex earns much less than Katie - something she mentioned continually and seemed to resent about Peter. Also, in scenes reminiscent to Katie and Peter The Next Chapter, Alex does a great impression of walking on egg-shells.

The Differences and the Similarities Price/Andre and Price/Reid Marriages

So much for the differences which, when boiled down, seem to hinge on the fact that there was no Hello exclusive deal.  This difference is about to dissipate as the Price media show is about to kick off - albeit retrospectively.  Keep watching What Katie Did Next for more revelations that things are almost what they were before if not more so.  Also watch out for clues that Katie Price is still Katie Price and nothing like you expect Mrs Reid to be...

How Long Will the Price/Reid Marriage Last?

Cynics are saying that the Price/Reid marriage will last about two years or until it has grossed...£6 million

Should Katie Price Buy A Lie Detector?

We believe that Katie Price should buy a lie detector.  So, come to that, should anyone who is surrounded by "yes men" or people who say exactly what they want to hear.  Think of the fun Katie could have when she calls Peter Andre or Alex Reid if she bought a LiarCard!


LiarCard uses the latest technology and, although for fun only, does seem to trap liars. She could ask:

  • Are you dating anyone else at the moment? 
  • Have you sold a story about me to the tabloid press? 
  • Have you plans to sell a story about me to the tabloid press?

She could also ask the same questions posed daily to suspected love cheats on the Jeremy Kyle show. Questions like:

  • Have you had sexual content with anyone in the last six months? 
  • Have you always been faithful to me?
  • Do you like my new look?

If the person she has called tells any lies Katie will hear a buzzer go off in the background - they don't hear the same buzzer. Let's hope that Katie Price does buy a LiarCard and that the calls she makes to prospective liars are shown in a future episode of What Katie Did Next!

CLICK ON THE LiarCard Banner BELOW for more details and to buy your very own telephone lie detector:


Scroll Down to watch Katie Price Videos from YouTube

Who Raped Katie Price | New Gossip

Katie Price uses her celebrity to promote herself and makes millions from the media.  The example she has set to the young girls who follow and copy her is appalling.  Not reporting a rapist to the police is neglecting her duty to women and could lead to another woman or women enduring a rape by the same man...  by guest writer Wilma Proops

The identity of the person who raped Katie Price is known by her mother, other members of her family, close friends and Peter Andre. The name of the famous celebrity who raped Katie Price, also known as Jordan and Kordan is to be revealed bit by bit but only after as much publicity as possible is squeezed like a famously wealthy zit. That the famous celebrity might commit the same offence before Kordan reveals all (the truth not her surgically enhanced bouncy castle boobs) is of no concern to the tacky star…
Some people are doing there nut in trying to decide who "he" is - whoever "he" is he's already denied it. 
We predict - and we are rarely wrong - that next time Peter Andre does any significant PR it will coincide with a "Pricey" leak and another clue about the alleged rapist's identity.  Perhaps she'll have another heart to heart with Piers Morgan...class!
WILMA PROOPS Agony Aunt to the Stars, Peter Andre and Ordinary People WILL REVEAL ALLHERE SOON!
  • "I've tried to keep me gob shut but, you know what I mean, basically, at the end of the day, I can't keep a secret to save me life - especially after a sesh on the lash with me mates like" said a drunken Wilma Proops
  1. It was before she met Pete
  2. He is a well known celebrity
  3. He's done it before
Wilma Proops' oft quoted adage about Vibration Plate Exercise Machines:
Ten minutes every other day
Will Wobble Your Fat clean Away

To Read Wobble Your Fat Away CLICK HERE

Katie's Breast Enhancements

Breast Enhancements and Katie Price

By breast enhancements I mean Katie Price's latest breast implants - her latest in a vast succession of cosmetically enhanced bosoms.  

It seems that Katie has had many breast enhancements - she hasn't revealed exactly how many even though she can be open about her cosmetic surgeries, even having them featured on Katie and Peter The Next Chapter and What Katie Did Next, both fly on wall reality TV shows.   She possibly needs to have her breasts subjected to more cosmetic enhancement because of the pull of gravity.  This is because Katie favours substantially larger than average implants and the bigger the breasts the bigger the gravitational pull  This has got to have implications for the future - surely there is a limit to the number of operations of this nature that one person can have.

Rude Remarks on What Katie Did Next

Did you see the episode of What Katie Did Next when she took the children to the Isle of Wight?  While leaving Blackgang Chine Amusement Park a child shouted out "I love your bleeps" ("bleeps" being a slang and quite nasty word for bosoms).   What bad taste was that?  I hope his responsible adult took him to one side and explained the difference between real bosoms and balloons and perhaps gave him a few pointers about polite behaviour.

Problems with too Many Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

How many times can a person have the same cosmetic surgery procedure?  I'm wondering if there is a scar under each of the surgically enhanced bosoms or a zip.  A zip would be useful.  You can imagine changing the breast implants depending on what activity Katie is involved in at the time.  She could keep her biggest and best (some would say her most freakish) for her Lolo homage photo shoots or select a normal sized pair for horse riding.  That said, if she falls off her horse in her current, freakishly large pair, she might be able to bounce back on.

Notes About This Cosmetic Surgery Article

The writer does not know anything about any cosmetic surgery procedure.

Does Katie Price Need a Breathalyzer Test Kit?

Read About Katie Price's COSMETIC SURGERY HERE

  • Ask yourself, do you need to buy a Breathalyzer Test Kit?  If this article reminds you of your behaviour when you've had one too many, then the answer is a resounding YES!

Does Katie Price Need a Breathalyzer Test Kit?

Katie Price, like most of us, likes a drink.  Katie Price, also like most of us, can be a laugh after a few drinks.  However, Katie Price, again like most of us, can drink too much and make a drunken fool of herself. 

When Katie Last Made a Drunken Fool of Herself on Camera

She did this (made a drunken fool of herself) and was captured on camera and on the front page of the tabloids just before Peter Andre left her.  The problem for Katie, now Peter is no longer around, she is again surrounded with “yes men and women” 24/7.  These people would dare not upset the temperamental celebrity for fear of losing income, perceived status (as a friend of a star) or the favours and perks which come with Katie Price friendship.  Therefore, they are unlikely to say “oy Pricey I think you’ve had enough to drink now” or “Katie you are acting like a drunken old slag”.

So, Does Katie Price Need to Buy A Breathalyzer?

For this reason Katie needs to buy herself a Breathalyzer Test Kit and pace her alcohol intake.  Apart from anything else, alcohol dehydrates the skin.  This could explain why Katie has discernable bad skin beneath all her makeup.

Buy A Breathalyzer Online TODAY

So, YES, Katie Price does need to buy herself a Breathalyzer Test Kit and do so before she goes out on the town again. Breathalyzer Test Kits are available to buy online.  

Katie Price and the Yes Men and Women

Read About Katie Price's COSMETIC SURGERY HERE

Katie Price should mix with people who are not afraid to tell her where to get off.  I mean, really, the yes men and women she surrounds herself with do her no good whatsoever.  For instance, did you see the episode of What Katie Did Next in which Katie returns from the jungle (I’m a Celebrity get Me Out of Here)?

Katie Price, the Stale Water and the Dirty Washing

Katie arrives home looking rough – but everybody tells her she looks well.  She then produces a flask of water which she has brought home from the Australian jungle.  It is at least five days old and has been supped out of.  She instructs her mother and a family friend to take a sip and taste it.  Then she produces some dirty washing and instructs them to smell that. Myself, I’d have told her where to go but the two women do as they are told. 

Bullying Behaviour the Root Cause of the Price Andre Divorce?

Was this type of behaviour the root cause of the Katie and Peter Andre breakup?  Katie did not like it when Peter expressed his disquiet about her behaviour.  For instance, swearing like a navy in front of his mother.  If her mother or the other woman had been present on that occasion, would they have criticised the celebrity?  Judging on what was witnessed with the water flask and dirty washing – no way.

Have Some Respect for Yourself

Real friends act to modify your behaviour.  They don't debase themselves for you.  They tell you the truth.  Katie should ask herself and look back at her life before she was rich and famous.  Would anyone have tasted rank water or smelled stinky dirty washing upon her instructions during that period of her life?  No, they wouldn't have and why?  Because they didn't need her for money, perceived status or favours.

Who Knows Katie Price?

Read About Katie Price's COSMETIC SURGERY HERE

I don't know Katie Price but that hasn't stopped anyone before me writing about her - so it will not stop me.  So, why I am I writing about Ms Price?  Here's the thing, I am not prepared to share that information with you.  In this I am totally different to the person I am writing about.

Why Write About Katie Price?

Because people want to read about Katie Price.  They want to read about her life but more want to read about her style and fashions.  My previous articles about Katie's hairstyles and her use of single strand hair extensions proved extremely popular.  This site keeps up to date with Katie's hair (for example her current use of hairpieces), her tan, her nails, her teeth, her Botox and other Cosmetic Surgeries.