This is the episode of What Katie Did Next which included Christmas Eve with Harvey, a trip to a Santa Claus Grotto with the kids, a friend and her kids; a book signing in Milton Keynes, Christmas shopping at Hamley’s and telling them their wrapping paper was a rip off… Meeting Junior’s pony Mooney and later The Horse of the Year Show at which we get a glimpse of Alex Reid. It features Katie showing the world the underwear she bought her mom for Christmas with the line (while expanding the knickers to their maximum girth) “she should be able to fit her arse in there”. Even funnier, Katie testing the Perspex protective cover on Harvey’s eighth TV – a new practical solution against TV smashers. We also get another look at chief ligger Gary and the portrait of Katie, commissioned by her Mom which, as I recall it, is making me laugh… again.
The Reality of TV Reality
You can’t be caught up in fantasies of celebrity when you watch any “celebrity reality” TV show. You would have to believe that they were really like that and that would be plain stupid. Face it, they’re putting on another show, unrehearsed but another show nevertheless. Be honest, we all watch them hoping some celebrity or other will lose it – do a Vanessa Phelps big time. Be honest also we watch them to escape from our own lives. Religion is no longer the opium of the people it is TV and when there’s no top grade opium available (new thrilling films or explosive documentaries) we watch soaps and when they are watched nowadays we turn to reality TV for our fixes. Celebrity reality TV is less than soap but more than real people reality, celebrity reality offers longer lasting hits.
Looking Back to Katie and Peter in the Jungle
Here’s my latest theory. Peter fell for Katie but Katie didn’t fall for him. She did what millions of women do everywhere, she felt sorry for him and went along with it because she didn’t want to hurt him. You can care for someone without loving them. The worst thing she did (and millions of women do this too) is pretend to love him. She probably thought “he’s not that bad, he’s honourable in his intentions, I’ll probably come to love him given time”. That didn’t happen and Peter – plainly and simply – got on her nerves. Katie also suspected him of using her to build his own failing career.
Looking Back to Katie and Peter the Next Chapter
I agree with the RESPECT MP (ex contestant of Celebrity Big Brother who made a complete prat of himself and, unfortunately, his politics) whose name I cannot recall, who said he witnessed “spousal abuse” by Katie of Peter in that show. It was bad but not unforgiveable and let’s face it, it wasn’t real, it was “reality TV”. Who knows, if the cameras were with the couple, secretly filming 24/7 we could have seen the full picture.
Thoughts While Watching What Katie Did Next Tonight
Spousal abuse when you see it is bad, upsetting and anger making. It is a public display too far… but what causes that public display? Could it be a reaction to what goes on behind closed doors? Yes it can – I’ve seen it happen with real people who weren’t on the tele. Who the hell are we to judge? Who the hell am I? Me? I’m just a self-bigged-up anonymous blogger, another ligger off Katie Price, writing this to make some money. The views I express on this website are at least original but no better than any of the rubbish written about Katie Price. This isn’t going to stop me being as mean and bitchy as others but mine is pantomime. There are far worse people in the world than Katie Price and actually, Katie Price is nice. I’d much prefer to write about the real villains but too few would want to read that and it would make me diddly squat, nada, zero, nothing.
Thank You Katie Price
So, thank you Katie Price and long may you live to change your hair, nails, tans, eyelashes, teeth, cosmetic surgery, ride your horses and men, appear on TV, publish books and look after your children but definitely, not in that order. In fact, keep up the good work.