Katie Price Gossip | Katie Price and Alex Reid to Divorce

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While Alex Reid gets on with training and Katie Price gets on with living a quieter life within the privacy of their new Sussex countryside mansion, the celebrity media are having withdrawal symptoms. The worst is that they are going mad, hence the ridiculous stories emerging...

The lowest of the low celebrity gossip website which employ writers who cannot write and reporters who invent "sources close to Alex Reid" or "sources close to Katie Price" are touting a story that Katie Price and Alex Reid are about to split up and a divorce will be happening soon. Is that so? Is Katie, as they put it, the new Elizabeth Taylor?

Katie Price and Elizabeth Taylor

Katie Price and Elizabeth Taylor have very little in common. Although both British and both women that is where any similarity ends. Different styles, different professions, different interests, different friends, different families. Do we need to go on? Our point is that making a comparison between the five times married Elizabeth Taylor and the twice married Katie Price is totally ridiculous and only goes to show the low calibre (and pay of the journalists working for the website in question) of the website in question.

Katie Price Hacks Missed the Real Katie Price Gossip

Yes, the hacks that "report" (to use the term lightly) missed the fact that Katie Price appeared on a political show recently. This fact was reported here but, because the hacks that report on Katie are mostly writing their crap in foreign countries or not interested in politics or anything else cerebral, it was not mentioned on other sites or even newspapers.

If There Is No Story Invent One

The subheading above gives the mantra of most of the media who concern themselves with the life and times of Katie Price.

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