Katie Price Moves Onward but Peter Andre Moves Downwards

You Only Live Once

As Katie Price's marriage and happiness with Alex Reid becomes more and more difficult for the gutter press to disprove, despite their supposed "insider" sources so does the life of their favourite, Peter Andre, teeter on the brink of disaster.

We have just visited Andre official website and listened to extracts from ten tracks on his new album. They are all very samey and the lyrics are very embarrassing. The single seems to be I'll Be Your Defender and its video features a Katie Price lookalike who might have gone to the same cosmetic surgeon and hairdresser as our eponymous heroine (Katie Price). Weird or what? Andre doesn't seem to have moved on at all when it comes to women. They all have to look the same...

Meanwhile, Katie Price's Paradise (the book) has topped the bestseller lists.


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