Katie Price New Pregnancy Rumours

Mommy Price and Daddy Reid

Standing Out

There is nothing that Katie Price and Alex Reid want more than to have a baby together. They have both spoken publically about their wishes to be parents to another child in addion to Harvey, Junior and Princess. Because the press know all this they are forever starting "Katie Price is Pregnant" rumours. Their intention is the ability to boast "you heard it here first"

You Heard it Here First!

Because of the tendency outlined above, it is with tongues in cheeks that we on the Katie Price Gossip website announce that Katie Price is pregnant with her and Alex Reid's baby. However, the official announcement will not be made until January when Katie is more than 12 weeks through her gestation.

Keeping Pregnancies Secret

It is not easy to jeep pregnancies secret. For a start there are tell-tale signs to cover up. Tiredness, changes in apetite and reactions to the sight of some foods and smells of others can come on without warning and within minutes. The best way to hide these traits from the rest of the world is to stay at home.

Another problem is the people you tell. They could tell your secret by accident and, they are only human, they could well be confiding in one other person who might be doing the same and so on and so forth. In the case of Katie Price there are other incentives to reveal her secrets. Pecuniary offers will be made.

A New Range of Designer Baby Clothes

Katie has to take all these factors into consideration. Perhaps she will decide to keep the secret only with Daddy Reid. Perhaps, possibly or definitely Katie and Alex will be designing a new range of baby clothes... just because they want to

Buying Baby Clothes

Katie Price loves buying baby clothes but she will have to curb this activity unless there is a baby who can offer her cover.

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